Friday, December 28, 2012

Gene-lyn, Saadlyn, "Seedline" hipotese

Die "seedline" teorie of saadlyn teorie probeer bewys dat Israel van 'n suiwer gene lyn is terwyl alle ander mense kom van 'n satanistiese genelyn wat hulle dan ongeskik maak om deel te wees van die Israel volk. Hierdie teorie word treffend weerlê deur Ted R Weiland, die skrywer van die artikel wat hieronder aangehaal word.

"In every single case and in every passage when the seedline doctrine is put under the test of scriptural scrutiny the Bible demonstrates it to be a spurious, non-Biblically based hypothesis. This dogma of the seedliners that initially appeared to have the Scriptures' backing, when actually tested by those same Scriptures disappears, a phantom doctrine nowhere to be found in the Bible.

When you get right down to the brass tacks of the issue, it is the facts of Scripture versus the assumptions of men. As pointed out in the first installment of this series, nearly everything about the seedline doctrine is based upon speculation, that is, nearly all of the major tenets of the seedline teaching simply can not be found stated anywhere in the Bible. In other words, the seedliners have built their theology upon what is not stated in direct contradiction to that which is stated in the Scriptures. Following is a short list of such contrasts:
  • Whereas the seedliners demand that Cain was the offspring of Eve and Satan, scripture (Genesis 4:1) declares that Cain was the offspring of Eve and Adam.
  • Whereas the seedliners demand that the beguiling of Eve was physical in nature, scripture (2 Corinthians 11:3) declares that the beguiling of Eve was mental in nature.
  • Whereas the seedliners demand that Cain, as the mongrelized son of Satan, could never be accepted by Yahweh, scripture (Genesis 4:7) declares that Cain, as Adam's son, would have been approved by Yahweh if he would have done right, that is, behaved righteously.
  • Whereas the seedliners demand that the Pharisees were Cainites of the seed line of Satan, scripture (Matthew 3:7-8, 27:6-10, John 7:19, 8:28-37, Acts 4:5-10, 24-35, 7:2-52) declare that the Pharisees were Judahites of the seed line of Jacob/Israel.
In other words, the seedliners go out of their way to avoid what the Scriptures do state in order to advance what the Scriptures do not say."

From "Eve did she or didn't she" by Ted R Weiland

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